Our Unit is very involved in exciting and adventurous activities for boys. We go on a campout once a month, often times hiking Rim of the Bay hikes while there. Our campouts vary, including car camping, pack-in's, and full backpack trips. Younger Scouts have ample time to complete requirements for advancement on these campouts, and if not completed then, they can work on requirements at troop meetings. For the older boys we have a venture crew and we have merit badges counselors within the troop covering most of the merit badges.
only do we have campouts, but we also have a wide range of other activities
for scouts to participate in, including hiking, backpacking, white water
rafting, downhill skiing, a yearly bowling party, and cycling trips. We
are currently developing a high adventure program which we for see to be
a great program for the older boys. We have scheduled many hikes including
20 mile pack trips through the sierras, and a 50 miler later.
In recent years our troop has won the 2000 camporee "Best overall Troop" award, the 2001 second place award, the 2002 third place award, and last year the second place award once again, setting us up for a victory next year. The scouts compete in many activities including archery, tomahawk throwing, first aid, orienteering, pioneering and other scout skills. At these camporees, the scouts work as a patrol, and each year several patrols have taken home awards in individual competitions showing their ability in both the skill and their teamwork within the patrol. We attend Wente Scout Reservation (Summer Camp) annually in Willits, California, where scouts can earn a wide variety of Merit Badges. Summer camp is also an ideal place for younger scouts to move up through the lower ranks utilizing Wente's outstanding Eagle Trail program. The camp also provides the scouts with the opportunity to experience many activities only offered at summer camp such as sailing, snorkeling, shotgun shooting, kayaking, and black powder rifle shooting.
During the Christmas season our troops runs a Christmas tree lot where scouts can earn money to pay for all of the activities in the coming year as well as his summer camp. Not only can scouts earn money, but so can parents. Parents can earn money to help fund his/her son's activities and at the same time, earn money to participate in activities themselves.
There is one important thing to know if you join our troop...and that's the answer to this question. TROOP 900, WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? Answer: CAL-TRANS ORANGE!!!!!!!